Dry Cleaning & Laundry
Local residents love our reliable dry cleaning services for fast, accurate, affordable, and top quality results.
Let us pick up your dirty laundry, sort it, wash, dry, fold and deliver them back to you in one neat package.
We use premium cleaning products to take care of your household items and give them a fresh look.
Bring your laundry to us and we will return it to you clean and neatly folded with the freshness all day.
We have the solution for your commercial laundry services needs that meets all your expectations.
We take care of you from alterations, pressing before the wedding, cleaning and preserving your bridal gown.

Commercial Laundry
Large corporations have determined that there is a financial benefit to outsourcing back office work because it saves money. Allowing us to do your laundry is cost effective and will allow you and your employees to focus on your core business. We offer smart solutions to meet your commercial laundry needs. Our Commercial Laundry clients include:
- Salons & Spas
- Restaurants and Caterers
- Religious Organizations
- Daycare centers
- Assisted Living / Nursing Homes
- Hotels & Motels
- Nail Salons
- Athletic Facilities / Gyms